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Friday, January 28, 2011

Impact of Social Web on Current Events

Social media is a relatively new technology that our society is using. It is being used as a real-time information distributor and consumer. Gone are the days of waiting for the Sunday newspaper. Shoot, we don’t even need to refresh the internet page we’re on anymore; think about how Twitter and Facebook notify us of new posts.

This new social web is affecting our view and take on current events. For example, the State of the Union address was Tuesday night. Social networking services were tracked to see how many people were talking about the address and what exactly they were talking about. has some good information on this story.
State of the Union 2011

Sticking to a political theme, last night on Inside the NBA, Tracy Morgan stopped by and chatted with Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley. When asked if Sarah Palin was good looking Morgan made quite an offensive remark that TNT is now apologizing for. This created quite the buzz on Twitter and other social media sites with witty responses to his remarks. The top tweet says he would have been more offended if Tracy Morgan had said Sarah Palin was good presidential material.

Back on the court, Jimmer Fredette is a basketball player at Brigham Young University that has been tearing up the nets with how many points he’s been scoring. This led to many NBA superstars such as Steve Nash, John Wall, and Kevin Durant showing their praise for the young hot shot publicly on Twitter. 

What I’m taking out of all of this is that in order to stay relevant you must be in real-time nowadays. Immediacy has taken over our culture. We all need to take a step back from the social media every now and again to realize it, and also for some peace of mind.

Tweet of the day:
Conan O'Brien
Lawyer question: It's still technically murder if you make ironic “air quotes” while doing it, right?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Trending Topics

Trending topics are all the rage in today’s vast internet blogosphere. New topics from around the world become popular whenever people tweet about them. Twitter’s Help Center describes them as providing Twitter users “the ‘most breaking’ news stories from around the world.” To post a trending topic all one must do is use the hash-tag symbol # and voila, you have the world’s newest topic, for a second or two.

As of right now the movie opening tonight featuring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman, “#NoStringsAttached” is the number one trending topic in the world. People are definitely playing up this romantic comedy because of the two big stars in it, not to mention how good looking they are.
No Strings Attached IMDb

The number one trending topic of this week is “#10oclocklive” which is a startup British satire news program that had its first show last night. According to some reviews on internet news and entertainment sites, the show didn’t live up to the hype in Britain.

On Google, there is another site dedicated to hot topics and hot searches. So far today, some school closings in the Twin Cities even made the top 10 for hot topics and searches on Google. The cold weather caused many schools around the area to be closed. Another hot Google search was for a video of a woman falling into a fountain while texting last week. In case you haven't seen it, here it is.

Twitter and Google both use algorithms to decide which topics are hot and trending across the virtual world at the current time. These topics let people know what’s going on but they can also get addicting and people will keep refreshing twitter just to see what other people are doing and talking about. Another thing that I think Twitter and its trending topics can do is cause a lot of harm. It can harm our job applications because businesses are inspecting our social networking accounts more and more. It can harm our small businesses when they use Twitter as a marketing tool if their followers find their updates as meaningless and time consuming. It can also hurt our morals and values as a whole human race. 

Summing up my thoughts on Twitter and its trending topic and Google Trends, I’d like to say that the potential impact on society that trending topics is not realized fully yet. But with Twitter and Google, micro-blogging is becoming just as popular as regular blogging and easier to do, but with what consequences?
I feel like every blog needs a random stupid cat picture to make it legit...
Tweet of the day:
CNNLive CNN Live
Pres. Obama talks about growing the economy and making the U.S. more competitive after touring a GE plant. Live:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Test Post

This is a test post for Isaac Bolin's Comm 442 blog.

“To achieve success, whatever the job we have, we must pay a price.” - Vince Lombardi